Frequently Asked Questions They raced, are they hyper?
One of the most common misconceptions about greyhounds is that they are hyper. This is just not true. They sleep up to 20 hours a day and have a reputation for being couch potatoes. They do not require more exercise than any other large breed dog.
How are they with children?
Greyhounds are very gentle, loving dogs. No dog (greyhound or otherwise) should be left unattended with babies or small children. Children must be taught to leave the dog alone when it is sleeping, eating, or playing with a chew toy.
How are they with other pets?They are very sociable and enjoy the company of other dogs. If you have a cat or small dog, we will test the greyhound before you adopt it to judge if the dog is able to live with your other furry family members. We will also provide you with information to help the greyhound learn the other animals are members of its pack. Many greyhound owners have cats, small dogs, birds, and even house rabbits, so yes, it can be done! See our Cat Testing page for the process. Have they been abused? We deal with only high-quality tracks and kennels. The dogs are treated like athletes so they will perform well. It's obvious when the dogs are walked out that they adore their trainers. Will greyhounds walk on a leash? Yes, and for dogs their size, they are unusually easy to handle. It is important to never let a small child walk a greyhound alone. You may want to purchase a second leash so the child can "help" you walk the dog. Is it necessary to have a crate? Yes and no. Greyhounds spend most of their racing life in a crate but once they have learned the house routine, a crate can become unnecessary. It is suggested that talk to your QCGA representative before purchasing a crate. Can they stay outside? Since greyhounds lack the body fat and thick fur that most other breeds have, they are only suitable to be house pets. They should never be left unattended, even in a fenced yard. This is to protect them from other animals that may be running loose and get in your yard. Never leave a greyhound alone in the yard when you are not home. A neighborhood child could come to visit and leave the gate open, or a meter-reader may accidentally let the dog out. How about an "invisible fence" or a chain or tether? These are all very dangerous for greyhounds. An "invisible fence" does not keep intruders or other animals out of your yard and with the greyhound's instinct and training, the zap of the fence won't deter it. Greyhounds must never be "tied out" since they can run up to 45 miles per hour and reach top speed in just a few strides. They would easily snap their neck when they reach the end of a chain or tether. Do they make good watchdogs? No. Greyhounds are very friendly and affectionate and are most likely to greet a stranger with a wag of the tail rather than a bark. How long do they live? Greyhounds are a healthy breed and their life expectancy is 12 or more years. My vet has never seen a greyhound. Greyhounds have different body chemistry than other breeds due to their lack of body fat. They require different anaesthesia and medications than other breeds. They are also very sensitive to toxins present in flea collars and treatments, lawn treatments, etc. You'll want to be sure your vet is aware of these differences before any procedures are performed on your greyhound. QCGA can also make recommendations on local vets who are greyhound savvy. How much do they eat? Most greyhounds eat between 4 to 6 cups of food each day (2-3 cups in the morning, and 2-3 cups in the evening). We recommend premium dog food such as ProPlan, Nutro, Natural Blend, Natural Balance, Nature's Recipe, etc. Corn products may cause gas and wheat may cause allergies, so try to avoid these ingredients. |